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Logistics Performance Survey ( 5 )

SCEA Logistics Performance Survey 2021

Published: 2021

The efficiency and cost of freight transport services play a critical role in the competitiveness of international traders and by extension the economic performance of a country. Attempts to measure the efficiency of logistics services of a country have been done through the World Bank Logistics Performance Index (LPI), which attempts to rank the logistics performance of countries based on the following set of indicators namely; Customs, Infrastructure, International Shipment, Logistics Competence and Tracking and time lines.

The East African Logistics Performance Survey 2018 Main Report

Published: 2019

Validated Abridged Final Report Logistics Performance Survey, 2016

Published: 2016

2015 East Africa Logistics Performance Survey

Published: 2015

Globalization, tariff reduction and automation may not bring the envisaged trade benefits which have been touted to further economic growth, leading to employment creation and poverty reduction in the East African Community (EAC). All this must be complemented by improved transport infrastructure, trade and transport facilitation, and private sector capacity to produce goods and services competitively. Improved government service and reduction in risk and transaction costs for trade are also key to improving trade facilitation in the region.

2015 The Pilot Logistics Survey Report

Published: 2015

East Africa is one of the regions in the world with the highest transport and logistics costs. In 2010, a World Bank report estimated that transport and logistics costs accounted for approximately 42% of the total value of goods imported into the region. Further logistics costs are added during the sourcing, manufacturing process, warehousing of finished goods as well as product distribution stages.