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SCEA Publications ( 6 )

Analytical Report on Implementation of Pre-Arrival Processing (PAP) and the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programmes in Kenya

Published: 2022

Study on fees, charges and penalties levied/paid to border agencies (Article 6 of TFA)

Published: 2021

Impact of Covid 19 on Transport & Logistics Sector in East Africa

Published: 2021

A private sector position paper on Naivasha Inland Container Depot

Published: 2020

Impact and costs implication of Covid 19 on Logistics SCEA Executive Summary

Published: 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented health and economic challenges across the world. While the greatest effect of the pandemic has been loss of life and strain on health facilities, businesses have not been spared. Nations have put in place stringent measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus which include lockdown regulations that have crippled business operations. This is in response to the clarion call of ‘flattening the curve’ and preventing health care systems from being overwhelmed with Covid-19 cases.

Supply Chain Security during election period

Published: 2014

As 2012 came to a close, private sector business leaders under the umbrella of Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) together with a section of the Diplomatic Community and government agencies responsible for internal security met to discuss ways of preventing violence ahead of the March 4th 2013 general elections. This meeting was informed by the violence that paralyzed the country and effectively the region after the 2007 elections and recent cases of insecurity in parts of the country that have resulted in loss of lives and property.