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External Publications ( 2 )

Guidelines for Business Operations During Covid-19

Published: 2020

The outbreak of Novel Coronavirus leading to the COVID-19 disease, which begun in China towards end of 2019 has since become not only a global public health pandemic, but also an economic crisis of unquantifiable proportions. There is no global economy that has been left untouched by this crisis, Kenya included.Interruption of global distribution networks has affected sources of intermediate inputs in Kenya’s manufacturing sector and their ability to supply both the domestic and regional markets; the horticulture sector has suffered from lack of critical inputs, imports of finished consumer products affected, stoppage of international travel, closure of hospitality facilities, among other effects.

EAC Axle Load limits

Published: 2018

A tolerance of 5% of the permissible maximum axle load limit shall be allowed on the axle load limits. Any vehicle established to be overloaded on the axle or axle group but is within the prescribed gross vehicle weight as per the axle configuration shall be allowed to redistribute its cargo to within tolerance before being re‐weighed and allowed to proceed with its journey. Such vehicles will not be charged.