Achievements & Challenges

Achievements & Challenges

  1. Port Congestion Surcharge Rescinded (2021): Successfully lobbied for the removal of the port congestion surcharge of USD 150 for 20ft containers and USD 300 for 40ft containers imposed by CMA CGM.
  2. Extended Free Container Period (2021): SCEA’s advocacy led to the increase of the free container  period at the Inland Container Depot Nairobi (ICDN) from 4 days to 5 days.
  1. Reduced Container Dwell Time at Mombasa Port: SCEA’s advocacy initiatives have led to the reduction of the average container dwell time at the Port of Mombasa from 4.1 days in 2019 to 3.6 days in 2023.
  1. Improved Cargo Verification Procedures (2024): Initiated discussions with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) on adopting non-intrusive cargo verification methods. This reduced the need for physical cargo inspections from 25% in 2020 to less than 15% in 2024 at ICDN.
  1. Increased Timely Cargo Clearance (2024): Advocated for expedited cargo clearance increasing the percentage of cargo cleared within the 0–5-day window at ICDN from an average of 40-45% in 2020 to over 80% by 2024.
  1. Reduced Cargo Clearance Delays: Advocated for improved cargo clearance procedures, resulting in the reduction of cargo dwell time from an average of 6 days in 2020 to 3.7 days in 2023 at ICDN.
  1. Revocation of Warehousing Cessation Notice (2020): Successfully lobbied the Kenya Revenue Authority to revoke its notice ending warehousing services.
  1. Input VAT Claim Enhancement (2023): Advocated for the inclusion of importers’ details—such as consignee’s name, PIN, and invoice barcode information—in VAT claims, a move approved by both Kenya Ports Authority and KRA.
  1. Protest Against Maersk Surcharge (2024): Led a successful protest against the surcharge increase imposed by Maersk at the Port of Mombasa.
  1. Elimination of Delayed Pickup Charges (2021): Removed the USD 100 (for 20ft containers) and USD 200 (for 40ft containers) charges that applied when containers were not picked up within 24 hours of customs release at ICDN.
  1. Verification Charges (2020): Successfully led to the elimination of verification charges of USD 80 for 20ft containers and USD 120 for 40ft containers to apply only to non-compliant shippers.
  1. Significant Storage Cost Reduction (2023): Advocacy towards reducing  storage charges at ICDN from KES 3.6 billion in 2020 to KES 1 billion in 2023 through waivers and sensitizations among other initiatives.
  1. Opposition to Mombasa Port Levies (2022): Successfully protested the introduction of new port levies by the Mombasa County Government.
  1. Extended Container Free Period (2020): Secured an increase in the free container free period at ICDN to 15 days and at the Naivasha Inland Container Depot to 30 days.
  1. Simplified Storage Bands at ICDN (2023): Advocacy on reduction of the number of storage fee bands at ICDN from four to two. Fees now apply to containers delayed between 6 and 21 days, and for those delayed more than 21 days.
  1. Reduced Truck Turnaround Time (2023): Advocacy of reduction of the average truck turnaround time at ICDN from 7 hours in 2020 to currently 3.7 hours as of 2023.
  1. Trade Facilitation Advocacy (2022-2023): Actively advocated for the implementation of Trade Facilitation initiatives, including the Pre-Arrival Processing (PAP) and Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programs.
  1. Promotion of Bill of Lading for Pre-Arrival Processing (2024): Championed the use of the bill of lading as the primary document for pre-arrival processing instead of the manifest. This recommendation, based on a study on implementing PAP and AEO programs, led to amendments in the East African Community Customs Management Act (EACCMA) in 2024.
  1. Reduction in Transit Cargo Weighing: As part of the port community, successfully lobbied for a reduction in the number of weighing for transit cargo along the Northern Corridor. Cargo is now only weighed at the points of entry and exit.
Member Support and Organization Growth
  • Continuous member interventions on pain areas
  • Capacity Building and awareness workshops
  • Lobbying for KPA on granting waivers on storage costs to members
  • Increased visibility for SCEA and social media growth
  • Growth and greater diversification of SCEA membership
  • Intervention on delayed railage of containers to ICDN
  • SCEA played a pivotal role in negotiating the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) introductory rates, ensuring favorable terms for its members.
  • We successfully lobbied for the cessation of demand letters from KRA over certificate of exports
  • Introductions of Arbitral fees and charges
  • Balance between trade facilitation and revenue collection
  • Poor policies and regulatory framework
  • Responsiveness among the cargo interveners and effectiveness in decision making
  • Frequent System downtimes, upgrade and failures
  • Poor implementation of the 24-7 operation
  • Infrastructural gaps.
  • Emerging Global disruptions- Covid-19 Pandemic ,Russia Ukraine war
  • Penalties, fines and uplifts, Additional costs incurred by shippers due to delays in delivery of cargo, evacuation of
  • empties and in cargo clearance processes